
Gasless Betting System

Initial Deposit and Gasless system: When a user deposits ETH into their account, you credit their account with an equivalent amount of virtual currency (e.g., 1 ETH = 1,000 fake money units).

Game Transactions: Users can use the virtual currency to place bets within the game. Each bet deducts the corresponding amount of virtual currency from their balance.

Track Actual Wallet Balance: Keep track of the user's actual wallet balance (in ETH) separately from their virtual currency balance. This balance reflects the amount of real ETH they have deposited into the game.

Handle Transactions: Whenever a user places a bet, deduct the corresponding amount from their virtual currency balance and update their actual wallet balance accordingly. This ensures that the virtual currency balance accurately reflects their in-game funds, while the actual wallet balance reflects their real ETH holdings.

Settle Transactions: Periodically settle the transactions by transferring the virtual currency balance to the game's smart contract or by updating the user's account balances in your application's database.

Withdrawals: Users can withdraw their remaining virtual currency balance back to their actual wallet balance at any time. Make sure to update both their virtual currency balance and their actual wallet balance accordingly.

Mini Games

Most of the mini games are already built and ready to be deployed. Currently team is working through the kinks and beta testing in the backend. Some games we will have that you can play will be poker, blackjack, higher or lower, coin flip and many more games in store.

Group Integration

Currently the bot is only being used in our Telegram group:

In the future this bot can be incorporated into any Telegram group. There are some concerns that we have to work through as well as some development hurdles which we are making great progress on.

We want to make sure that this bot is decentralized but also cannot be used for malicious intent, therefore we have to develop safety hurdles so admins and group owners cant rug their community.

Some of these safeguards will be:

  1. No admin can send money from ecosystem wallet to any specific wallet, they can only input outcomes such as "/Payout_Scenario1"

  2. For Tournaments if the payouts are all being done to the same user then a red flag will be raised and an investigation will be done by the team to ensure no foul play

  3. If the admin is sending money to their alts and it doesn't add up to who actually won the tournament, the community can then report the transactions which will then lead the team to investigate before funds are paid out.

  4. More safeguards in development

Last updated